East Cheshire Meeting for Worship for Business

Tuesday, 12. March 2024 - 18:30 to 21:00
Stockport Meeting House

This is a meeting for worship for business to consider the affairs of Friends in East Cheshire.

The agenda is attached. 

The meeting will be preceded by light refreshments provided by Stockport Friends.

If you wish to attend online then contact the clerk (eastcheshireaqm@gmail.com) for login details.

East Cheshire Meeting for Worship for Business

Sunday, 12. May 2024 - 13:45 to 16:30
Frandley Meeting House

This is a meeting for worship for business to consider the affairs of Friends in East Cheshire.

The meeting will be preceded by lunch provided by Frandley Friends.

The agenda and supporting papers are attached.

East Cheshire Meeting for Worship for Business

Saturday, 13. July 2024 - 10:30 to 15:30
Coppenhall Methodist Church, Bradfield Road, Crewe. CW3 3RD

This is a meeting for worship for business to consider the affairs of Friends in East Cheshire.

The business meeting in the morning will be followed by lunch provided by Crewe and Nantwich Friends and then in the afternoon a worshop on social justice.

The agenda and supporting papers is attached.

East Cheshire Meeting for Worship for Business

Saturday, 16. November 2024 - 13:45 to 16:30
Stockport Meeting House

This is regular meeting for worship for business to consider the affairs of Friends in East Cheshire.

The meeting wil be preceded by lunch provided by Stockport Friends.

Dates of Racial Justice Reading Group

Invitation from Disley LM to all Friends in ECAM to join us in a Book Group to discuss on Zoom Helen Minnis’ 2022 Swarthmore Lecture ‘Perceiving the Temperature of the Water – Quakers speak about Racism’.

Dear Friends,

At Yearly Meeting 2022 we resolved to work towards becoming an anti-racist faith community – quite a challenge.  This is just one contribution to helping us to think about how we can do that. 

The group will run on 4 Wednesdays in 2024: Jan. 31st, Feb. 7th, 14th and 28tfrom  7:00-8.30pm on Zoom. We hope you will be able to commit to all 4 sessions but if you cannot, we would rather you came to some rather than none. The Zoom meeting ID is: 331 243 767.


‘Perceiving the Temperature of the Water – Quakers speak about Racism’ is a wonderful lecture. Click on the link so you can taste some of what the 2022 Yearly Meeting audience experienced in May 2022.


The expectation is that you will have also read the book which was published after the lecture. Copies are available from the Quaker Book Shop at Friends House for £10. Our experience is that it takes time for copies to be delivered so try to order as soon as possible.


Please let Ann Lewis know whether you would like to receive further detailed information about what we have planned in terms of format, etc by January 24th 2024.


We hope the group will be an opportunity to share all the ideas in Helen Minnis’ lecture.

In Friendship,

Ann Lewis, convenor.

On behalf of Karl Beswick, Bridget Dunbar, Paul Gee and Jan Vulliamy. 

Peaceful resolutions: all-age worship and other events

Sunday, 7. January 2024 - 10:15 to 15:00
Stockport Meeting House

Peaceful Resolutions 2024

We invite East Cheshire Friends, families and friends to join us for All Age Worship on Sunday 7th January 2024. 10.15am onwards.

Our afternoon activity will be a visit to 10-Pin Bowling at The Light in Stockport (By Red Rock).

10.15am ------------------ Arrive

10.30am -----------------  Meeting for All Age Worship

11.30am -----------------   After meeting drinks and catch up

12.00pm -----------------  Getting to know each other and Games

12.30pm -----------------  Shared Lunch

1.30pm ------------------- Set out to go 10-Pin Bowling

2.00 - 3.00pm ---------- 10-Pin Bowling session

It is important that we know how many people (four years old and over) would like to come bowling.

All those under 12 will need to be accompanied by an adult.

Please email Frances with numbers (and any needs/information that is important regarding the child/young person).


Please bring food to contribute to the shared lunch.

Perceiving the Temperature of the Water - Disley Racial Justice Reading Group

Disley Meeting are planning to read Helen Minnis’s Swarthmore lecture 2022 called ‘Perceiving the Temperature of the Water’ (cost £10). The idea is to host  4/6 sessions on a weeknight at the end of January through February 2024 on Zoom. Disley hope it will be open to all Friends in ECAM. Details to be sent to all clerks as soon as dates have been confirmed.

Friends can purchase the Swarthmore lecture from the Quaker bookshop here: https://bookshop.quaker.org.uk/Perceiving-the-temperature-of-the-water_9781739226008

Helen Minnis' Swarthmore lecture is also available to watch on YouTube.



