Perceiving the Temperature of the Water - Disley Racial Justice Reading Group

Disley Meeting are planning to read Helen Minnis’s Swarthmore lecture 2022 called ‘Perceiving the Temperature of the Water’ (cost £10). The idea is to host  4/6 sessions on a weeknight at the end of January through February 2024 on Zoom. Disley hope it will be open to all Friends in ECAM. Details to be sent to all clerks as soon as dates have been confirmed.

Friends can purchase the Swarthmore lecture from the Quaker bookshop here:

Helen Minnis' Swarthmore lecture is also available to watch on YouTube.




Quakers in Buxton

Quakers in Buxton meet at ‘The Green Man gallery’ on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month at 7.15pm.  All welcome.

Disley Meetings for Learning

Disley Meeting continue with a fascinating programme of Meetings for Learning. They begin at approx 12pm (after coffee and Meeting for Worship) and finish at 1pm.

19th November 2023: Keith Braithwaite has agreed to lead us on "Quaker Structures"
21st January 2024: A find-out session about Bayard Rustin, influential 20th century American Quaker, with Till Geiger
18th February 2024: A discussion about Quaker membership - hear about the process from Friends who have become members or are considering it.
17th March 2024: "Leadings": What are they? And how do Quaker meetings respond to them? Ann Lewis will take us on this journey.





Meet the Quakers at Macclesfield

Saturday, 7. October 2023 - 13:30 to 16:30
The Unitarian Chapel, King Edward Street Macclesfield SK10 1AA

This is an opportunity to find out more about Quakers.  Everyone is very welcome. 

Teenage General Meeting

Friday, 16. February 2024 - 19:00 to Sunday, 18. February 2024 - 16:00
Bolton Meeting House

For young people aged 13 to 18.  Further information and booking forms to follow.
