Meeting for Worship for Business

Sunday, 14. May 2023 - 13:45 to 16:30
Frandley Meeting House

This will be held as a blended meeting. 

The agenda, including login details for online access using Zoom and two reports to be received by the meeting, is attached.

Lunch will be served beforehand by Frandley Friends.

Anti-Racism Work amongst British Friends

Wednesday, 26. April 2023 - 19:30 to 21:00
Online using Zoom

Exploring the findings and implications for us of the work of Kate McNally, Eva Koch Scholar 2022, who studied what British Friends are doing to further the concern to make British Friends are anti-racism body.  Her report is attached.

The session will be held on Zoom and the Zoom session should open at 1915.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 818 2656 7685   Passcode: 083265

East Cheshire Meeting for Worship for Business

Saturday, 18. March 2023 - 10:30 to 15:30
Wilmslow Quaker Meeting House

March 2023 Meeting for Worship for Business.

A blended meeting to be held at Wilmslow Meeting House at 10.30 am followed by lunch and then in the afternoon a consideration of the revision of Quaker Faith and Practice and the new provisional drafts on Nominations procedures and Marriage.

To attend using Zoom email for login details.

Northwest Regional Gathering

Saturday, 4. March 2023 - 10:00 to 16:30
Central Manchester Meeting House, Mount Street, Manchester

Save the Date

Saturday 4th March 2023

Regional Gathering



Change from Within

Central Manchester Meeting House

10.00 Welcome – 16.30 Departure

More details to come soon.

Area Meeting for Worship for Business

Saturday, 9. July 2022 - 10:30 to 16:00
Disley Friends Meeting House

East Cheshire Area Meeting for Business is arranged at Disley Meeting House.  It will probably be a blended meeting and login details for online access will be circulated along with the agenda during the previous week.  The business meeting will be held in the morning with some sort of meeting for learning (to be arranged) in the afternoon.

Area Meeting for Worship for Business

Sunday, 8. May 2022 - 13:45 to 16:00
Frandley Meeting House

Meeting for Worship for Business arranged at Frandley Meeting House.  This will probably be a blended meeting and login details will be circulated with the agenda in the week before the meeting.
